Google Perspectives & The Future of Deep Content SEO

What is Google Perspectives?

Google is making waves with Google Perspectives, a platform designed to change how content is organized and presented in the search results. Google Perspectives is a dynamic platform that aims to provide a more immersive and engaging content experience. Unlike traditional content structures that often follow a linear or hierarchical format (the 10 blue links, local search, and shopping results), Google Perspectives presents information in a non-linear and interactive way where users can explore various interconnected perspectives, allowing for a more flexible and personalized exploration of the content.

What Does That Really Mean?

To deconstruct that, it’s simply a very fancy way for Google to say that for certain queries and keywords, they’re going to use social proof to help you get the best answers possible. Perspectives will give you a diverse offering of social content through the Perspectives filter at the top of the results, showing you long- and short-form videos, images and written posts that people have shared on discussion boards, Q&A sites and social media platforms. Beyond that, Google is qualifying that content with a profile photo as well as information about the popularity of their content.

How Perspectives Can Potentially Impact Ranking?

Google Perspectives intersects with the Helpful Content Update and the most recent Hidden Gems update, which works to dive deeper into blog posts, forums, comments, reviews, etc., looking to bring more E-E-A-T type content to the forefront of the results. This is less about the poster, overall, and more about the subject matter and content.

It matters in that it’s going to change the way the results are structured and ranked for YMYL (Your Money or Your Life) type queries. Now that this algorithmic update is fully live, post that may have been buried due to crawl budgets on content-rich sites, disconnected and had low topical authority, or simply having a less authoritative domain presence in the category or space, will now have a the ability to displace top-ranking content that isn’t as “helpful” or “authoritative” to answer the question.

Start optimizing your deep content to help Google Perspectives

How to Use Google Perspectives for SEO and Digital Marketing

Enhanced User Engagement

Google Perspectives offers a unique way to present content that encourages active user engagement. Interactive elements, like clickable links between perspectives, keep users exploring and spending more time on your content. This increased engagement positively influences SEO rankings, as search engines value user interaction from the SERPs. Not that click counts as a vote, but Google is certainly more likely to showcase results that drive to relevant and authoritative answers.

Improved Content Discoverability

By organizing content in a network of perspectives, Perspectives can and will enhance content deep content discoverability. Users can find relevant information more efficiently, and search engines can better understand the relationships between different pieces of content, improving search visibility for content buried deep in information architecture of the website.

Data-Driven Insights To Re-Optimize Existing Content

Digital marketers can use this data to understand how users navigate through their content, identify popular perspectives, and optimize, or revamp, existing content to provide an updated, deep-dive into the subject area, category, or product.

Advantages of Organizing Content with SEO in Mind

SEO Boost Through Interconnectedness

The interconnected nature of Google Perspectives enhances the internal linking structure of your content, rewarding well-structured and interconnected content, leading to improved SEO rankings and visibility. Now is the time to start thinking about your foundational SEO elements and content strategy.

Memorable Brand Storytelling

Crafting a brand narrative becomes more impactful with Google Perspectives. Brands can guide users through a journey, unfolding their story in a memorable and engaging manner to leave a lasting impression on the audience.

Adaptation to Evolving Content Trends

As content consumption habits evolve, so should content presentation. SEO and brands alike need to start a forward-thinking approach that aligns with the dynamic nature of digital content, ensuring that your brand stays relevant and resonates with contemporary audiences.

Google Perspectives offers a fresh take on content organization, enriching the user experience and providing unique opportunities for digital marketers. By adopting this approach, brands can not only enhance their SEO performance but also captivate audiences with compelling and immersive storytelling. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing tools like Google Perspectives becomes integral to maintaining a competitive edge and forging meaningful connections with your target audience.